640-863 DESGN
Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions Exam
Exam Number: 640-863
Associated Certifications: CCDA
Duration: 90 minutes (65 questions)
Available Languages: English, Japanese
Click Here to Register: Pearson VUE
Exam Policies: Read current policies and requirements
Exam Tutorial: Review type of exam questions
Exam Description
This exam indicates a foundation or apprentice knowledge of network design for the Cisco converged networks based on SONA (Cisco’s Service-Oriented Network Architecture). CCDA certified professionals can design routed and switched network infrastructures and services involving LAN, WAN, and broadband access for businesses and organizations.
Exam Topics
The following information provides general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the Designing Cisco Internetworking exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam.
* Describe the Methodology used to design a network
* Describe network structure and modularity
* Design Basic Enterprise Campus Networks
* Design Enterprise Edge and Remote Network Modules
* Design IP Addressing and Routing Protocols
* Design security services
* Identify voice networking considerations
* Identify wireless networking considerations
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